.Glasstrim is a pultruded glass reinforced polyester roof edge trim, designed to provide a weatherproof decorative finish and strong clean line to the roof edge.
Method of Fixing
Glasstrim should be fixed by means of Cadmium or Galvanised nails or screws at not more than 300mm (12″)centres with the ends of each length firmly secured. A minimum of 8 fixings per length is recommended.
It is recommended that Glasstrim Type 6 is also Face Fixed.
Priming of the fixing leg is recommended.
Built up Felt Roofing
The first layer of felt should be dressed over the kerb and the Glasstrim fixed into position as described. The top layer of felt is laid in a similar manner over the trim and the top edge turned into the hood thus eliminating the outside edge of the top layer of felt lifting.